She did it last time and she has done it again tonight. After spending the evening having dinner with her Bull last night and then having a long XXX session with him, as well as sleeping overnight with him and getting fucked this morning, Jayne has rejected my tentative advances this evening. I spent a long time giving her attention and, as we settled down to watch an erotic TV programme, I tried to press my lips to her clit and she pushed me repeatedly away. In the end we have parted and I made a bath for her to relax in, allowing me to type this worried entry into my Blog.
I believe she now wants all her experiences with her Bull to be private, does not want me to refer to it afterwards and definitely does not want me to show how turned-on I am by the thought of her fucking her Bull in my absence.
My role as a Cuckold is to accept that she will meet with her Bull whenever she can and that she sees him as her boyfriend, with whom she is far more intimate (they talk and text daily) and for whom she likes to dress up and spend time with (not just intimately, they are now also long term friends). She would not give him up even if I asked.
The Pink Pony Club
In the past day I have become obsessed with this song:
I can't stop listening to it, and when I do have to stop listening ...
20 hours ago
well sounds reasonable to me...I mean if your going to be a cuckold why should you expect anything....frankly I found your story very erotic
I think for some women it is a natural progression to end up not only wanted a boyfriend as a lover but also to share other parts of her life with.
For us cuckolds that realisation can come as a huge shock when it occurs. So long as your wife has verbalised that this doesn't mean that your marriage in endangered and that you as the cuck have enough self confidence, then this development can only add to your wife and your experience.
Don't be afraid of this journey, it is well worth it.
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